Indemnification - Part 4: Manufacturing Contracts
This week, we will be covering how indemnification clauses can impact liability in manufacturing agreements. It is important to...
Venture Financing 101: Raising Capital in Uncertain Times
Unfortunately, the days of money-wielding VCs making it rain have been chilled by an economic frost that has turned what was once rain...
Fallone SV - Growth Mode 2023 - Part 1
Welcome to 2023! We are happy to say that Fallone SV has two focuses this year - (1) Growing the firm, and (2) reshaping the way that we...
School's out! Interns are in? – 7 Questions for Using Interns, Legally
Originally written by Katelin Kennedy School’s almost out for college students, and you might be thinking of recruiting an intern to work...
Annual Corporate Housekeeping You Can't Sweep Under the Rug
Originally written by Katelin Kennedy There’s nothing like that new year motivation to get your business organized in January. You...
The Must-Know Fundraising Trio: SAFEs, Notes, and Equity
When it comes to raising capital, there are many considerations and decision points: How much do you care about retaining control of the...
Damn California! Back at it Again with the Aggressive Laws
Originally written by Katelin Kennedy California just enacted a new data privacy law that will very likely impact your business. I know,...
Cryptolina Means More Blue Skies Ahead for the North Carolina Startup Ecosystem
Back in 2014, Cryptolina launched its first expo featuring, among others, Vitalik Buterin the founder of a little known digital token...
Getting up to Speed on the GDPR - Part 4: Special Plates & Special Data
Originally written by Katelin Kennedy One of my fondest childhood memories involves a dinner plate. Yes, a dinner plate. Our family had a...
Getting Up to Speed on the GDPR - Part 3: Update ALL the Privacy Policies
Originally written by Katelin Kennedy If you’re wondering why you’ve been getting emails from every website you ever visited about their...
Getting Up to Speed on the GDPR - Part 2: Covering the Lawful Bases
Originally written by Katelin Kennedy If you haven’t read our first post yet, you should start there to get some important context about...
Getting Up to Speed on the GDPR - Part 1: The Basics
Originally written by Katelin Kennedy The best time to plan for GDPR compliance is 3 months ago. The second best time is now. – Maybe a...
Cryptocurrency and ICOs are So Hot Right Now
Did the title of this blog cause you to have the same Paris Hilton flashback that I had when typing it? Regardless, cryptocurrency is...